Tuesday, July 14, 2015


A little more than a month ago, I signed myself up on this particularly interesting website I found online, www.postcrossing.com. It is a place where strangers from around the world interact with one another through the exchange of postcards, letters, souvenirs etc. Having a profound interest in languages and culture this project appealed me. Thus I began sending postcards to random fellow postcrossers (as they like to call themselves).

Just a few days back, after waiting impatiently for a month, I received a card in return! I was overjoyed to see the beautiful picturesque snow clad Alps Mountains of Switzerland. But what equally pleased me were the kind words on the back of the card. It said “Heard about the heat in India, hope this cools you down”. Though simple and sweet, her words meant a lot to me.

I hope I am lucky enough to meet many more such kind people whom I can cherish for life, just like this postcard.
This one is for you Absynthia! Thank you so much. You made my day.

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