Sunday, July 10, 2016

Life’s Like That

 Through the hustle and bustle of daily life in the city of Mumbai, like every other working day, I boarded my usual CST-bound local train from Thane station. As I attempted to make my way into the train, crazy estrogen-fuelled ‘species’ began pouncing like animals on me! Through no fault of my own I ended up hurting a lady. Her irritated expression and mutters said it all. To calm her down and not to worsen the matter further, I apologized immediately.

It was after I descended from the train that I pondered upon what had happened a few minutes ago. Why did I apologize to this woman? What had I done? Perhaps just to be kind? Perhaps just to soothe her pain? I couldn’t figure out.  

It is always easy to apologize to random strangers whom we may not probably meet ever again. So what’s the harm in admitting our mistake and let go, we think. Like when we bump into someone at a crowded public place, or hurt someone accidentally, “sorry” is spontaneously uttered. But what happens in case of our loved ones when we unknowingly hurt them? Do we act the same around them? We most likely don’t. Our ego comes in the way and stops us.

Same goes for gratefulness. On a daily basis, I make it a point to thank every single person who helps me in some way or the other- be it the rickshaw driver, the guy who brings coffee to my desk every day at work, or my colleagues. If I can thank the person who has been serving coffee to me for the past 1 month, why don’t I thank my mother who has been feeding and nurturing me for the past more than 20 years? For that matter why don’t I thank my father for providing for us?

In a family everyone’s role is carved out. In a typical Indian family, it is the primary responsibility of the woman to cook and look after the well-being of the members of the family. Whereas the man supports financially. So why should we thank these people if they are only abiding by their duty? We think it’s their responsibility and they are not doing any favour. And that’s where we go wrong. We end up taking each other for granted. Everyone likes to be appreciated and thanked for their work, even if it’s their duty.

Be it any relationship, gratitude plays an important role. Always remember, what goes around comes around! Be grateful to others, and you will receive the same. 


  1. Superb!!! Loved it ��������

  2. Nice!
    The fundamental elements of our Relationships are:
    Trust, Respect, Fear, Fascination, Convenience, and Need...

    Best wishes,
    Rajeev Kadam
