Sunday, June 19, 2016

Lost Somewhere....

Having turned a graduate just recently, I am often asked with the typical dreaded question 'what next'? Always the systematic, organized goal oriented girl, who even had clothes picked out the night before for the next day in college to wear, I now find myself at cross roads. I am in a dilemma. I have absolutely no clue as to where i am headed. And this scares me!

One thing i have learnt though, is to never depend on a friend. As in if he/she is with me, then only i will go. Or else i wont even try. Sure there is a level of comfort, but in the end you gotta look up for yourself. Good friends are with us through thick and thin. There comes a time when you should make your own decisions, set priorities and stick to it.

People who know me since my BMM graduate days say that i haven't changed a bit in these 3 years. Physically i haven't. But mentally i have. My passion for reading, for learning and teaching french has somewhere been swept away. 

Now as sit on my bed, writing this blog, i don't feel at ease. What i would really like is to go on a soul searching journey somewhere far away from the hustle bustle of everyday life.

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